the personal views, thoughts, and musings of donna d'errico

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No-No, Nobu!

We won't be eating at Nobu again.

On Mar 24, 2010, at 2:17 PM, ******* ******* wrote:

JUST SAY NO TO NOBU!!! (Sorry if you don't live in LA...I am sending this to everyone I know.)

Nobu, the food is great. BUT the service is horrible. I am dumbfounded how my best girlfriend's 16 year old son was treated while picking up a to-go order for us from Nobu Malibu. He had just gotten his drivers license and was so proud. Went down to Nobu to pick up TWO things for us to eat. The bill was $63.00. (Yes, the prices are outrageous but they are specialty items and you only live once.) He had 60 bucks of his own money in his pocket and was treating us to dinner that evening. So he was short a few dollars. They completely embarrassed him. He had to give one of the extremely over priced dishes back. He came home with the wind knocked out of his sails and said "I feel silly and I even forgot to tip them". That is what kind of a kid he is...felt bad that he didn't tip the extremely insensitive NOBU staff member.

Listen, everyone that goes to that restaurant is a local. We support local businesses. All the manager had to do was say drop the 3 dollars off tomorrow. Knowing my friend's son, he would have brought it back that night. I have been to that place a billion times. I have received complimentary desserts, a drink, special appetizer from the chef. PLEASE!!! They could have let him slide on the 3 bucks. I am on a mission to let everyone I know be aware of how he was treated. If you know me, this is not stopping at an email. Go to Zuma Sushi...nice people and great atmosphere! Thank goodness for freedom of speech.

This is not the first time the staff was rude. To me is one thing, to a nice kid that has more manners in his little finger than most adults have in their entire body, is ridiculous.



  1. could have been handled much better...some people in the service industry have no skills in dealing with a mediator, and a communication specialist, I believe that it is so important to think about the way we come across to was nice of the kid to do something nice for others...and he gets blown out of the water for little thing this buisness did has effected it greatly...if I were the manager/owner, I would deal with the staff and the issue right away...always put your best image forward..

  2. That is horrible. I know that Rhyan is a sweet and giving child and for them to embarass him is unacceptable. I think the manager of that establishment owes him an apology.

  3. as the owner of a food service, I am astounded at what jerks those people are!!!
    I will always let someone slide if they are a little short.
    it makes up for it in the end, they will be good custemers for ever if you show them some compassion. (sorry for the spelling errors, I have been up since 3 this morning and I am a little blurry eyed) Thats the downfall for being a baker.

  4. Brian B. Columbus, GAMarch 25, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    Good ole Southern values. Donna, forget the anger. It is not worth the time lost from your live. Be proud that the values you grew up is eveident in your children. Your son has a conscience. That is rare these days. I understand your frustration. If I were in Calif, I would actively join the boycot.

  5. Oh, how we Southrons do try to realize our self-control in the face of such outrage! How our values are indeed tested, and tried, at such times!

    The boy handled it well. He was a perfect gentleman, never asking for special favor, nor name-dropping for effect. His breeding is evident.
    Concern for the 'tip' was exemplary, given the circumstances.

    If being Southern means anything at all, it should mean that we should always try to be the example to the world of the Other North America; the side whose values get denounced in the modern tempests of existence. Hospitality. Charm. Conservative Libertarian values. Strength of character. You should be enormously proud of him. I believe you are.

    I would write a letter to the manager, and explain the situation. I would then see if he wished to make amends for what had happened, seeing that custom is affected by this exchange. Wait for a good-will gesture. If he offered one, then I would accept it, and lift the embargo. Being a Southerner, all you really need is an apology, and given such, I do believe that 'honor would be served'.

    If he did not address the 'demand for satisfaction', then nothing would convince me that I needed to encourage his business with my traffic, any longer.

    I would, however, offer the chance, I do believe.


  6. That was a stupid way to treat customers and I would have never treated people in that way. I would agree with the comment from George. Write to the manager and explain the situation that they will lose more people due to the waiting staff.

